Time Card Calculator
Enter your In/Out times in military time format (24-hour clock format). For example, 9:30 AM should be entered as 930, while 2:45 PM should be entered as 1445. See Military Time Conversion for help. Also download our free printable time sheet (PDF).
Overtime pay may be computed by either the day or week. For example, if your company pays overtime whenever you work more than 8 hours per day, select the second option and enter "8" in the blank field. If your company pays overtime whenever you work more than 40 hours per week, select the third option and enter "40" in the blank field.
The calculator will compute the total number of hours worked and gross pay earned, broken down into regular and overtime. The number of hours worked is displayed in both decimal format and hours:minutes format. For example, if you work 43 hours and 30 minutes, it will be displayed as 43.50 and 43:30.
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