Portfolio Expected Return Calculator

The predicted return of an investment portfolio can be determined with this handy portfolio expected return calculator. The weighted average of each component's expected return is used to calculate the expected return for an investment portfolio as a whole. The weight of each component is an indicator of how much overall value it represents.
Marginal Cost Calculator

You can use this useful marginal cost calculator to compute the cost incurred when producing additional units of a given product. Marginal cost is the additional cost of producing further units of a product or service. You can compute marginal cost by dividing the total expenses incurred when producing additional units by the variation in the number of products manufactured.
Income Elasticity of Demand Calculator

Income elasticity of demand measures the extent to which a given good or service is sensitive to a change in income if all other factors remain constant. Income elasticity of demand can be computed by dividing percentage change in quantity by the percentage change in income. It represents a useful measure because it provides an insight into whether a given good or service is a luxury or a necessity.
True Shooting Percentage (TS%) Calculator

The true shooting percentage statistic was first introduced by the Association for Professional Basketball Research Metrics (APBRmetrics), and it is now very commonly used in basketball leagues because it provides a very good indication of a basketball player's skill. This True Shooting Percentage calculator can help you quickly and easily compute the TS% of a given player.