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How to Get CAT Adjuster Training or Retraining
If you currently work as a licensed insurance adjuster, you know that during the fire, flood, and hurricane seasons there is an increased demand for specially trained claims agents called "catastrophe adjusters," or "CAT adjusters" for short. To become a CAT adjuster, you must complete several CE (continuing education) courses, and apply for a new type of license. If you want to increase your job opportunities and expand your career options within the insurance field, follow these guidelines to obtain CAT adjuster training.
Training for New CAT Adjusters
First, contact your state's department of insurance to learn the licensing requirements for catastrophe adjusters. You should also research requirements for the different states you wish to work in. For example, if live in California and want to work in Florida during hurricane season, you should find the licensing info for both states.Companies that hire claims adjusters for catastrophes value workers who have experience in construction, auto adjusting, civil engineering, and environmental sciences. As you research CAT adjuster training programs, look for those that offer courses in areas where you are lacking.
A popular option is to obtain the Texas all-lines adjuster license. The Texas Adjuster license is reciprocal with most states and is comprehensive enough that you can work in almost areas of insurance claims, including catastrophe adjusting. Find courses in your area that train claims adjusters for the Texas all-lines licensing exam.
Check out community college and distance learning programs for claims adjusting. Look for CAT adjuster courses and programs that have accreditation from the state board. Unaccredited programs may be cheaper, but they will be a waste of time.
If you already work for an insurance company, you may be eligible for on-the-job training, or reimbursement for any classroom and online courses you take to obtain CAT certification. Ask your employer about continuing education opportunities.
When you obtain the CAT adjuster's license, make sure to stay on top of your CE requirements. You must pass a certain number of CE units to maintain the license. Contact your state dept of insurance to find out the exact requirements.
As you research courses, be wary of adjuster programs that guarantee job placement. CAT adjuster work is highly seasonal and competitive, and there are no guarantees. If you are unsure about the quality of any program you come across, contact your state's department of insurance to find out if it is a legitimate training program.
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