Where to Get Free Tax Preparation and Tax Help
There are many places where you can find free tax help and answers to commonly asked tax questions, and even get free tax preparation. Many communities, business organizations, and other groups offer free tax services during the months of March and April. Make sure to get the help you need before April 15 so you don't have to pay penalties for filing late.
Your first stop should be the IRS website. Here you can order publication 910. This is a booklet that has a huge listing of free tax services, some sponsored by the IRS, and some sponsored by charities.
Low income families, veterans, the elderly, and some other classes of individuals are eligible for free tax preparation. You can call the Taxpayer Assistance Center, or Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) for more information.
If you are not eligible for free preparation by IRS or charity sponsored organizations, you may be able to find free tax help at educational centers. For example, some business schools have community outreach programs where accounting students help the public. If you live near a university, find out if the business or accounting departments sponsor community service tax events. Your local public schools or church may also sponsor tax seminars as well.
Foreign students at universities can often attend tax workshops sponsored by the international center. Various employers may also offer free tax help or tax preparation. Check with your supervisors or HR dept to find unlisted tax resources.
Remember that even if you have help with your tax return, it is your responsibility to make sure all the information is accurate and complete.
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