Green Hex Color Codes

HTML/CSS Green Color Chart

Green is a soothing color and one of the most frequently hues in web design. Web designers and programmers use shades of green that are easy on the eyes yet vibrant enough to stand out. You can use dark and medium greens for navigation menus, subdued gray-greens for links, and pale green for backgrounds. In HTML and CSS, hex color codes are represented with a # sign followed by six hexadecimal digits. (The hexadecimal system is base-16 and uses the decimal digits 0 through 9, and the letters A through F.) When specifying colors that contain letters, you can use either caps or lowercase.

The hex color code system is based on the 3 primary colors of light: red, green and blue. This is also known as the RGB system. The first two digits of a hex code represent the amount of red, with 00 being the lowest and ff being the highest. The middle two digits represent the amount of green, and the last two digits give the amount of blue. The chart below shows 130 shade of green with their corresponding hex codes.


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