Rockport VO2 Max Calculator

Rockport Walking Test Equation for VO2 Max

VO2 Max Calculator (Rockport)
Weight pounds
Age years
Time to
Walk 1 Mile
Heart Rate bpm

To convert weight in kg to pounds,
use the conversion calculator.

VO₂ max is the maximal oxygen consumption or maximum aerobic capacity of an individual, it is the number of liters of oxygen one's body can transport per minute during incremental exercise (exercise that increase in intensity over time.) VO₂ max is a measure of physical fitness since people who are in better shape can use and transport more oxygen throughout their bodies during intense exercise. Besides L/min, VO₂ max may also be measured in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute, or mL/kg/min.

A person's true VO₂ max can be measured in a clinical setting using treadmill and a device that records the O₂ and CO₂ concentrations in the air that is inhaled and exhaled. The maximal level is achieved when the body's consumption of oxygen holds steady even as the intensity of the exercise increases.

Since most people can't determine their VO₂ max level in an exercise lab, there are approximation formulas. The Rockport Walking Test estimates your VO₂ max from several variables including the time it takes you to walk 1 mile (1609 meters) as fast as you can, as well as your heart rate after walking. This formula is programmed into the calculator and explained below.

The Rockport Equation for VO2 Max

The Rockport VO₂ max estimation depends on your gender, weight, age, time it takes to walk 1 mile as fast as you can, and your heart rate immediately after finishing the walk. The equation is

VO₂ Max = 132.853 - 0.0769W - 0.3877A + 6.315G - 3.2649T - 0.1565H,

where W is your weight in pounds, A is your age in years, G = 0 for females and 1 for males, T is your time in minutes, and H is your heart rate in beats per minute.

Example: Sara walks warms up for 5 minutes and then walks 1 mile as fast as she can. Her time is 12 minutes and 15 seconds and her heart rate is 80 beats per minute. Sara is a 26-year-old female who weighs 156 pounds.

The values of the variables are

W = 156
A = 26
G = 0
T = 12.25
H = 80

Thus her VO₂ max is about 58.26 mL/kg/min.

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